Wednesday, 18 April 2012

This is What Real Love Looks Like

This post is inspired by my mum.  (Thanks mum!)

Sometimes a photo... well it looks like a photo.  I'm betting that most people would look at my morning post of Weet-Bix, Forme and bananas and think I was... well, bananas.  But people connect to certain things because of their experience with it - it's the same with songs on the radio, why you buy coffee from a certain shop and why you like that "interesting" rug that most people carefully avoid when they drop by at your place.  

There's a story behind everything.  

So here's my story.

I hung out with my parents last night and ended up staying over cos it was late.  Woke up and realised that breakfast was going to be a tough gig (they have full cream everything as opposed to my soy/skims and everything is laden with sugar like at the lolly shop) so I said that I'd just have breakfast when I got home.

I got washed up and was getting ready to leave when in she walks to proudly announce that she had already nicked down to the shops to buy those "Weet-Bix, yoghurt and bananas" so I could have breakfast here.

Now part of me was like... GAH!! She's done it again!! And I don't even like that flavour of yoghurt! (after tasting it, I've decided it's not bad actually!)

Then I stepped back and decided to look at the overall picture.  I was over for breakfast and she didn't need to feed me.  (yeah right, stupid comment... she's my mum! of course she will always insist on feeding me)  Yet she ran out to the shops to make sure there was something for me to have at breakfast.

That made me realise that in her own unusual way, she was showing me that she loved me.  She probably wasn't telling me in a way where'd I'd normally think Oh my mum LOVES me but there it was.  

So the conclusion was to take a step back and try to see things for what they really are.   Not through the filter of cynism but to see the simple beauty that can be found around us when we choose to look for them.

Here's a challenge for you.  What does Real Love Look Like to you?  Whatever it may be to you, take a photo and post it on your facebook or blog with the tag #TWRLLL. 

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